DJECO 60 years of toys
Frederic's mother is a manager at a holiday camp. Besides her work she makes games for her daughter. Educational little games like dominoes and lotto. When I picture this I see flapping French aprons and a mother who spends evenings working on beautiful games for her children. Would it have happened like this?
Véronique Michel-Dalès invents learning games such as 'Loto des quatre jeudis' and 'Ma maison des puces'. The beautiful, intelligent and fun DJECO games are very successful, they win various awards in 1960 for their designs. Fortunately, this of course gives them support to continue with their passion: making toys.
DJECO falls silent. On the DJECO site, this period is described as a deep sleep. Fortunately, they wake up again when Frederic is an adult!

The family business falls asleep and son Frédéric grows up. In 1989 he decides to breathe new life into DJECO. He establishes his offices in the former warehouse. In the beginning he travels around the world to import toys that do not exist in France. The small French company is still imbued with its global vision. Then he dreams of toys that cannot be found on the market. So all he has to do is think of it!
Games and toys arise in Frederic's head that he could not find anywhere and he decides to have them produced himself. A line of educational toys with an artistic touch is born and completely new to the toy industry. Wooden puzzles, wooden toys and cardboard puzzles are added to the DJECO collection. The company grows and card games and board games are added.
In 2004, a miraculous wave swept through the children's rooms. DJECO starts with their line of children's room decoration and children's room accessories. In 2006, craft kits and an innovative collection of creative holiday games will be added.
Thanks to the design and high quality that DJECO puts first, new designs and versions of existing toys are added every year.
Why the green gecko in the logo?
The name DJECO refers to the gecko, a small lizard that brings good luck!
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